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Destinations Abroad - SOS childrens village in Jordan

SOS childrens village in Jordan

SOS children´s village picture gallery

Our company, the Visitor’s Guide and NETID, sponsor the SOS children's village. I therefore visited one of the Villages while in Jordan in February 2011. It was situated in a suburb of the capital, Amman*. The children, girls and boys of different ages live together in a house as brothers and sisters. The mother, taking care of around 8 children in her house, builds emotional ties that last a lifetime. This village of 12 houses was founded in 1983 and is the first of three villages in Jordan.
It was nice to see this village and visit two of the houses and witness that the children seemed happy and content. Some of them spoke quite good English. When I asked three of them what they wanted to become when they were older, their answers were: a doctor, policeman and a teacher.

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