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Destinations Abroad - Checklist for International Travel

Checklist for International Travel

One month prior to departure:

  • Passport validation time.
  • Credit cards validation time.
  • Drivers licence validation time.
  • Insurance validation time.
  • Check your travel insurance also the coverage if you are renting a car (Many credit cards cover travel insurance at least if the flight etc. is bought with a credit card. Some better ones have a full coverage insurance for renting a car, so no need to buy those.).

One week or a few days prior to departure:

  • Check mobile phone connection, good to have a phone with a dual card, one for a local card.
  • Check suitcases (locks and labels), rucksacks and other necessary bags and decide which one to bring.
  • Pay the bills and credit cards.
  • Take clothes, you might bring, to the dry-cleaners.
  • Keys for those who need to enter the house.
  • Haircut, dentist and other – cancel appointments.
  • Magazines and/or Newspapers (cancel for the period, if staying for a long time).
  • Make a copy of the passport to keep in the luggage.
  • Get the air ticket, print it out and even
  • Get foreign currency (if needed).
  • Get the destination address(es).
  • Get all pin numbers needed, good to keep the main ones in your phone.
  • Check the rate for calling to/ from the country you are going to. In some cases it is much cheaper to have someone calling you in your mobile. In Europe (Union) most calls have the same rate as local ones.
  • Check the weather forecast where you are going as of clothes to bring.
  • Consider going to the library to get books to read, also even travel books.
  • Consider how to travel to the airport in your country (a car park, local bus, a fly-bus etc.) & to your accommodation in the country where you are traveling to.

One to two days before departure:

  • Water the plants.
  • Refrigerator, take out products that are out of date.
  • Check into the plane and get your boarding pass.
  • If Covid time
    - Check the regulations for covid in the country in question, like if a PCR test is needed.
    - Get your Covid PCR test if needed (usually it can be like maximum 72 hours old).
    - Print out your proof of Covid Vaccination(s).


  • Passport.
  • Air tickets.
  • Hotel voucher.
  • Destination address.
  • Foreign currency.
  • Credit cards.
  • PIN numbers.
  • Drivers licence.
  • Insurance policy.


  • Underwear.
  • Pajamas.
  • Socks (approx. one pr.day).
  • Pants and sweat pants.
  • Sweaters (sweat, common).
  • Suit/dress.
  • Shorts.
  • T-shirts.
  • Swim suit.
  • Swim glasses.
  • Warm coat.
  • Wind and waterproof outfit.
  • A scarf or a buff.
  • A cap or a hat.
  • Slippers.
  • Sports shoes.
  • Better shoes.
  • Higher heels shoes (for women).
  • Hiking boots, if hikes are on the agenda.


  • Mobile phone and a charger.
  • Mobile charger for a car.
  • A power bank (for your mobile charge etc.).
  • Extra Sim Card for the country travelling to (dual card phones are good when abroad).
  • Alarm clock, usually in phones and nb. also working when phone is on silent.
  • Camera and a Go pro Camera.
  • A selfie stick (especially if you are Asian :) ).
  • Usb key charger for your mobile in a car.
  • Small speakers and charger.
  • Usb cable (usb to usb).

Medicine - Cosmetics etc:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Medicines that you are using.
  • Vitamins.
  • Painkillers.
  • Sun block.
  • Alca-seltzer.
  • Plaster, scissors, anti bacterial lubricants.
  • Contact lenses and fluids.
  • Mosquito cream, often though better and cheaper to buy where travelling to.
  • Parfume - Eue de toilette.
  • Cosmetics such as Facial crème, deodorant, etc.
  • Nail clippers.


  • Books and magazines to read.
    - We recommend a book in English/Spanish/German or the language you are speaking when travelling (even consider a book that takes place in the country in question).
  • Consider a little tourist dictionary with you, when travelling to countries where English is not widely spoken.
  • Little book to write notes, addresses, emails etc
  • Travel book like the Lonely planet or similar.
  • If travelling with children in the school period, bring some school books.
  • A map of the country traveling to (or a google map)
  • Small money bag.
  • Rucksack.
  • Travel pillow.
  • Vanity bag.
  • Glasses + reading glasses (if you need ones) + sunglasses and a cover.
  • Needle and thread.
  • If your are a student bring an International student card (often gives a discount at museums and more).
  • A small knife, like a plastic one (a spoon and a fork combined).
  • Jewelries whether you are a man or a woman such as rings, earrings, a watch, bracelets,etc.
  • An umbrella (at least if a rainy forecast).
  • Your eye receipt, like if traveling to cheap countries to buy glasses.
  • Some extra 100 ml. or less containers.
  • If staying with local people bring present like music, wine, candy etc. from your country.
  • Icelanders only; perhaps cod liver oil, candy like opal, chewing gum, liquires, small map of Iceland.
  • Some food to eat in the (expensive) plane.
  • NB. Take into consideration what kind of luggage you are bringing. Be aware of if that in the hand luggage and carry on bags, you can not bring any liquid more than 100 ml. nor sharp objects like a knife.

Business trip:

  • A laptop, mouse and a even a mousepad.
  • Personal/Business cards.
  • Usb key.
  • Hdmi cable and a Lan cable.
  • A pass for business lounge, like a Priority Pass.
  • Stationary

Supplementary for a skiing trip:

  • Skiing gear.
  • Ski pants.
  • Ski pullovers.
  • Ski mittens.
  • Ski goggles.
  • Cap, scarf and warm undies.
  • Normal mittens.
  • Warm stockings.
  • Stocking-foot.
  • Small bag.
  • Small rucksack.
  • Sun block, lip- salve and other protections.

Netid Consultancy & Visitorsguide whishes you a nice trip

Author: Hákon Þ. and Stefán S.

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